
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Endings and Beginnings

Endings and Beginnings

Just Remember, Every Ending Is a New Beginning - Marianne Williamson

When I think of new beginnings, a lot of stuff comes up. One is my time at golf. The way that when an 8th grader ends their journey through middle school, knowing everything they need to know for one yet to come, a 5th grader starts theirs; eager to learn. The way the 5th graders feel when they're forced to an awards assembly for the next three years, only to be elated when it's finally their turn.  I can imagine the way it feels to leave everything you knew for the past eight years of your life. I imagine it's sorta like when you finish a good book, when you're left on your own, contemplating what just happened, as everyone else swirls around you, not knowing the emotion you have witnessed.
         Ending something can feel scary, but maybe not so much if you remember that when you end a chapter, there's a new one waiting on the next page. 

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